Welcome to the DANGERUS Diva channel!
My brand is about being happy, healthy, down to earth, and feeling confident in your own skin.
I am a fun loving multi-talented mother of the #SoInLoveFamily who LOVES To sing and enjoys vlogging and filming videos that have to do with my family, beauty, fashion, fitness and lifestyle! On this channel, I will feature beauty tutorials, Shopping HAULS, FASHION & Lifestyle VLOGS, SLAY different clothing promoting body positivity. Embrace your curves, ladies. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, don’t be afraid to support a diva by liking and sharing my content!
Thank you for taking the time to watch my videos and for being part of my life! Click Subscribe and Join the DIVA Tribe (It’s free!)
For Business Inquires please contact me here → Dangerusdiva@gmail.com
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